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Corporate InformationPolicies
Human Rights Policy
Recognizing that it is an important responsibility for companies to respect human rights, the FUJITRANS Group has established its Human Rights Policy and will implement initiatives to promote respect for human rights.
Human Rights Policy
- Basic Policy
Under its corporate motto “the spirit of Wa,” FUJITRANS Group aims to build mutual trust and cooperation with all persons involved with us through our business. Recognizing the importance of respecting human rights as the foundation for achieving that aim, we will promote initiatives for respecting human rights through this Policy. - Scope of Application
This Policy applies to all officers and employees of FUJITRANS Group. Furthermore, we expect all business partners involved in FUJITRANS Group’s business to understand and support this Policy. - Compliance with Relevant Laws and Standards
FUJITRANS Group will comply with laws and other rules related to human rights in each country and region where we conduct our business activities. In the case of any inconsistency between internationally recognized human rights and the laws of a country/region, we will respect the principles of internationally recognized human rights to the greatest extent possible. - Respect for Human Rights in Business Activities
FUJITRANS Group addresses the following issues in its business activities.- Prohibition of discrimination
We will not practice any discrimination on the grounds of race, nationality, gender, creed, physical condition, social status, or other factors. - Prohibition of harassment
We will promote the eradication of all forms of harassment. - Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
We will not take part in any forced labor or child labor. - Occupational safety and health
We will ensure the safety and health of employees and other relevant persons in the workplace and strive to create a workplace environment where each employee can demonstrate their individuality, motivation, and abilities to a maximum extent. - Harmony with local communities
We will give consideration to the cultures and customs of all countries where we conduct business activities and maintain harmony with them as a member of the international community. - Protection of privacy
We will strictly manage personal information and any information acquired in the course of business to prevent them from being leaked outside our companies. Further, we will not disclose those types of information internally or externally for purposes other than legitimate ones.
- Prohibition of discrimination
- Due Diligence on Human Rights
FUJITRANS Group will exercise due diligence on human rights to identify, prevent, and mitigate adverse impacts on human rights. - Remedies and Corrections
If it becomes evident that our business activities have caused an adverse impact on human rights, FUJITRANS Group will work on implementing remedies and correcting the situation by appropriate means. - Dialogue and Consultation
To identify and address potential adverse impacts on human rights in our business activities, FUJITRANS Group will continuously engage in dialogue with experts and stakeholders and promote initiatives for respecting human rights. - Disclosure of Information
FUJITRANS Group will, in a timely manner, disclose information on its initiatives for respecting human rights based on this Policy. - Awareness-Raising and Education
We will provide education and training to all officers and employees working within FUJITRANS Group to ensure that they adequately understand this Policy. Furthermore, we will strive to implement initiatives to promote the understanding of this Policy among our business partners and other related parties.
This Policy has been approved by our Board of Directors.
Safety Policy
As a logistics provider, safety is of paramount importance to us. To ensure a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, we have formulated an Occupational Safety and Health Policy. Based on this policy, we have established a robust Safety and Health Management System that supports a safety-first culture as part of our commitment to safety.
Occupational Safety and Health Policy
FUJITRANS CORPORATION recognizes that the reliable implementation of occupational safety and health activities is the foundation of corporate management, and promotes and practices the assurance of the safety and health of all workers. We declare that we will implement the following.
Prevent injuries and illnesses among workers and provide a safe and healthy workplace.
- Conduct risk assessments in all workplaces to eliminate or reduce occupational health and safety risks.
- Utilize the results of stress checks to prevent health problems among workers and improve the workplace environment.
- Consult with and involve workers in occupational health and safety activities and implement the activities with the participation of all employees based on good communication.
- Evaluate occupational health and safety risks and their impact on occupational health and safety opportunities and set targets for important items to the extent technically and economically feasible.
- Comply with laws and regulations related to occupational health and safety, internal standards, and other requirements, and strive to further improve the level of occupational health and safety management.
- Implement the occupational safety and health management system reliably and appropriately, incorporating the accumulated knowledge and skills of employees to continuously improve the level of occupational safety and health.
Safety and Health Council
The Council, positioned at the top of the safety and health management system, is overseen by the President. It provides guidance and direction to the following committees in order to strengthen the safety and health management system and the crisis management system, including affiliated companies, with the aim of ensuring compliance with related laws and regulations and maintaining the safety and health of employees.
General Safety and Health Committee
With the understanding and cooperation of all employees, including those from affiliated companies, the General Safety and Health Committee undertakes activities focused on raising safety and health standards at each site.
Operation Technical Committee
The Committee conducts research, investigation, education, inspection, and improvement initiatives to promote safe work. Safety management activities are promoted by the establishment of specialized organizations, such as the Vessel Working Subcommittee, Coastal Working Subcommittee, Vehicle Working Subcommittee, Packing Working Subcommittee, and Special Working Subcommittee, each tailored to their respective areas of operation.
Transportation Safety Committee
The Committee conducts research, investigations, education, inspections, and improvement initiatives to promote safe transportation. Safety management activities are promoted by the establishment of the Container Transportation Subcommittee and Freight Transportation Subcommittee, each tailored to their respective transportation areas.
Shipping Safety Committee
The Committee is charged with ensuring the safe navigation of our fleet's vessels and protecting the safety of the vessels and their crews. To attain this goal, we focus primarily on the promotion of matters that are central to the safe navigation of related vessels, matters related to the safety and health management of crew members, and matters related to the safe protection of hulls and loaded cargo. In addition, we have implemented safety management regulations with the adoption of the Transportation Safety Management System. We are actively engaged in activities aimed at ensuring safe operations based on an annual activity plan.
Occupational Health and Safety Management System (ISO45001)
We operate the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to reduce the potential risk of occupational accidents and to improve safety and health standards. Upon implementation of this system, we obtained ISO45001 certification. We will continue to expand its scope further to foster a safe and secure work environment.
Safe Vessel Operation
We ship cargo to a variety of ports, ranging from Hokkaido to Okinawa. In order to fulfill our social responsibility as a logistics provider, we have introduced the Transportation Safety Management System and established safety management regulations based on the Safe Vessel Operation Policy to maintain and promote safe navigation.
Safe Vessel Operation Policy
As an integrated logistics company, FUJITRANS CORPORATION will strive to continuously improve safety in marine transportation, and all personnel, from top management to the frontline, will work together to maintain and promote safety. We declare that we will implement the following steps in order to achieve this goal:
- Ensure thorough compliance with all applicable laws and regulations for maritime transportation, as well as our own safety management regulations.
- Ensure the safety first principle based on the joint efforts of the maritime and land transportation sectors, in recognition of our social responsibility as a maritime transportation player.
- Strive to improve safety in vessel operations by appropriately maintaining and administering the vessel operations safety management system and implementing continuous improvements.
- Conduct safe navigation education and training programs to promote safety awareness at sea and on land and to support effective crisis management.
- Actively promote safety activities and reduce environmental impact on a daily basis to provide safe, reliable, and environmentally sound marine transportation services.
Quality Policy
Ensuring quality, along with safety, is the fundamental mission of logistics operators. We have formulated a Quality Policy as part of our commitment to deliver high quality logistics services and customer satisfaction.
Quality Policy
In line with its management philosophy, FUJITRANS CORPORATION is committed to sustainable development as an attractive, integrated logistics company by providing safe, high-quality services that meet not only our customers’ needs, but also the broader needs of society and the times. We declare that we will implement the following steps in order to achieve this goal:
- Enhance our logistics services to meet customer needs through further IT advancements as a company of professionals providing integrated transportation services (land, sea, and air) for a range of items from critical lightweight cargo to aerospace equipment entrusted by our customers.
- Conduct our business with integrity and fairness, adhering to ethical business practices in accordance with agreements with our customers, ISO standards, laws, regulations, and other applicable requirements.
- Formulate a voluntary logistics system improvement plan to effectively drive quality initiatives and ensure the continuity and sustained evolution of the logistics system.
- Implement appropriate training and education programs to enhance the knowledge and skills of all employees, with a strong focus on quality, safety and environmental considerations as fundamental principles of business conduct.
- Shape the future of transportation on a global scale by promoting mutual communication in partnership with our customers based on a shared understanding with the FUJITRANS Group and its partners.
- Priority Items: Make security a top priority, focusing on preventing personal injury, property damage, delivery delays, and erroneous shipments.
Quality Management System (ISO9001)
Our company received ISO 9001 certification in March 2006. We strive to further enhance customer satisfaction by maintaining and improving the quality of our logistics services through the ISO9001 management system. Our focus includes preventing errors in shipping and customs declaration, while accurately managing delivery schedules.
Introduction of AEO System
As an established operator with a robust cargo security management and legal compliance system, we were approved as a AEO Warehouse Operator in May 2008 and as a AEO Customs Broker in November 2010. These systems serve to enhance the convenience of the customs clearance process and facilitate faster and smoother cargo transactions.
AEO Warehouse Operator System
A licensee of bonded warehouses, etc. (Authorized Warehouse Operator) may establish a bonded warehouse by notifying the Director General of Customs. Such notified warehouses are exempt from permit fees and the permit period is longer than that for general bonded warehouses.
AEO Customs Broker System
An Authorized Customs Broker has the ability to file a tax declaration for imported cargo consigned by the importer after the cargo is collected, or to file an export declaration for cargo consigned by the exporter located outside the bonded areas in partnership with an Authorized Warehouse Operator.
Environmental Policy
Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is based on contributing to the society and community that has nurtured us and the people who live in it. Through the establishment of our Environmental Policy, we seek to raise employee awareness of the global environment and to engage in environmentally responsible initiatives in the ports and oceans that are critical to our business.
Environmental Policy
In accordance with its management philosophy, FUJITRANS CORPORATION regards environmental protection as a paramount concern in its business activities. The company is committed to minimizing its impact on the environment in an effort to remain an integrated logistics company that actively contributes to society and the local community. We declare that we will implement the following steps in order to achieve this goal:
- Collaborate with companies involved in our business activities to prevent pollution through resource conservation, energy optimization and waste minimization.
- Promote environmental protection by establishing voluntary standards as appropriate, in addition to complying with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, and other relevant obligations.
- Establish objectives and targets and periodically review the results of our initiatives to maintain and improve our internal environmental systems.
- Conduct environmental education and public relations activities to familiarize all employees with our environmental policy and to increase environmental awareness.
- Participate actively in environmental conservation activities in communities, emphasizing the significance of dialogue with the local community.
Environmental Management System (ISO14001)
We prioritize environmental protection as a crucial component of our environmental policy. Having received ISO 14001 certification in June 2002, we are committed to complying with relevant laws and regulations and to preventing pollution. We will continue to gradually increase the number of sites certified under the ISO 14001 management system.
DX Policy
Our group will make dedicated efforts to promote DX based on our motto, "Spirit of 'wa' & KEEP ON TRYING".
effective May 1, 2024

Message from President
Recently, logistics needs have continued to diversify. On the other hand, logistics providers will be challenged to rapidly adapt their business models in response to several challenges. These include the anticipated shortage of drivers, known as the "Logistics 2024 Problem," the shortage of dock workers and crew members, shortage of IT workers coupled with security risks, known as the "2025 Cliff" problem, and changes in work styles driven by the global pandemic.
In response, the FUJITRANS Group is committed to digital transformation (DX) as a key approach to realizing its medium-term management plan, FUJITRANS 2030, which was initiated in 2023. The company is actively working to innovate business processes and create new value propositions. At the core of our initiatives is the goal of developing high-value services that delight our customers by focusing on improving the digital and IT skills of our employees and fostering a mindset shift that empowers them to tackle challenges on their own.
Our mid-term management plan features the motto "Spirit of 'wa' & KEEP ON TRYING," signifying our commitment to persistently address the dual challenges of "improving and expanding existing businesses" and "creating and advancing new business models.” We are committed to taking on the challenges of digital transformation (DX), and we will continue to deliver new value and satisfaction along with our customers' cargo by promptly responding to their needs.
Information Security Basic Policy
We promote information security activities under the "Information Security Basic Policy" to protect the information assets of FUJITRANS Group and our customers and ensure reliability and safety.
Information Security Basic Policy
FUJITRANS Group recognizes that a critical responsibility of the Group is to properly protect its information assets from various types of threats such as unauthorized access, destruction, divulgence, and falsification. Based on this concept, the Group has established its Information Security Basic Policy and thereby declares its commitment to compliance with and implementation of the following matters.
- Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Controls
To properly protect its information assets, FUJITRANS Group formulates information security policies and relevant rules, conducts its business operations in accordance therewith, and also strives to comply with laws, regulations, controls, and other standards related to information security and with matters under contracts with customers. - Risk Assessment for Information Assets
FUJITRANS Group establishes systematic risk assessment methods through clarification of standards for analyzing and evaluating risks to information assets, such as divulgence, damage, and loss, and also periodically conducts a risk assessment. Furthermore, the Group strives to implement necessary and appropriate security measures based on risk assessment results. - Information Security Structure and Management
FUJITRANS Group appoints a person to be responsible for overseeing information security, establishes an Information Security Committee, and strives to maintain its structure. Furthermore, in order to ensure that all employees recognize the importance of information security and that information assets are appropriately handled, the Group periodically educates and trains them and raises their awareness. - Incident Handling Structure and Response
FUJITRANS Group takes appropriate measures in response to events or incidents related to information security. In the event of a security-related incident or accident, the Group will promptly investigate its cause and implement measures to minimize its impact, and will also make efforts to prevent its recurrence. Furthermore, especially in preparation for potential incidents that may involve business interruption, the Group has established a management framework for such incidents and reviews it periodically to ensure the Group’s business continuity. - Provision of Safe Services to Customers
In its business activities, FUJITRANS Group implements information security measures so it can provide safe and high-quality logistics services to customers and society. - Continuous Improvement
For evaluation, FUJITRANS Group periodically conducts audits and other relevant activities to verify its maintenance of information security. Furthermore, the Group reviews its information security as appropriate in response to environmental changes such as changes in its information system or the emergence of new threats, and strives to continuously make improvements.